This program was created to enhance youth access to 21st century work experience, by placing local high school students in paid eight-week summer internships at innovative, San Francisco based STEAM companies during the summer.
The Architectural Foundation of San Francisco coordinates the program, hosts the kick-off and serves as an employer for 20 participants. This program is a rewarding way to provide mentorships to our city’s youth as well as to give back to our community. A component of Mayor Lee’s Summer Jobs+ Initiative, the program prepares students for future success, encourages them to graduate from high school and pursue fulfilling STEAM careers. Future Grads also encourages students to engage with and learn from members of our community.

Apply for the 2021 Sessions
To apply, download and print the application here.
Mail or email completed applications to (or contact with any questions):
Youth and Community Engagement Unit
3401 17th St.
San Francisco, CA 94110
Attn: Summer Internship
Phone: 415.558.5453 or 415.558.5492