Get Involved

The Architectural Foundation of San Francisco offers many opportunities for involvement from the greater SF community. Our programs provide large numbers of school children with insights into the world of design they won’t likely receive in their regular instructional day. To meet our commitment to these kids, we need your support. If you have design skills to help with instruction and are interested in participating in one of our programs as a volunteer, a mentor, or a resource please contact us:
Become A Mentor
Every AFSF student works with a mentor one or two days per week. Mentors are working professionals (architects, engineers, designers, planners, etc.) paired with students interested in the work of that profession. Mentors give students a first-hand experience of the work in their firm, and professional-level feedback on projects the students work on with AFSF.
Mentoring is one of the most impactful components of AFSF programing for both students and mentors. Our mentoring is only possible thanks to the strong support we have received from the entire building community including architects, engineers, general contractors, developers and policy organizations. We need your assistance in this effort to continue offering this inspirational opportunity to an increasing number of students.
For more information on who can mentor and what mentors do, please see the FAQ on our mentoring page.
If you or your firm is interested in becoming a mentor, please email Fred Werner:

Donations (equipment and materials)
Current needs:
The Build San Francisco Institute and MYEEP programs:
- Desktops, laptops and other computer equipment (64-bit minimum; used equipment welcome)
- Architectural, art and office supplies
- Books for our library
The Architectural Foundation of San Francisco relies on the generosity of our supporters to offset our program costs and events. Please consider a cash donation.