HSDC Awards Ceremony – 4pm today!

At 4pm TODAY (Sun., May 19), join the Awards Ceremony zoom for the AFSF High School Design Competition https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81551940229?pwd=NFRBbTZiQ1hQbXQrd0dUQzZiM2JUdz09 Meeting ID: 815 5194 0229 Passcode: 402483 — One tap mobile +16699006833,,81551940229#,,,,*402483# US (San Jose) +16694449171,,81551940229#,,,,*402483# US — Or dial in by phone: • +1 669 900 6833 or • +1 719 359 4580 Find your …

HSDC Awards Ceremony – 4pm today! Read More »